
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Baduk major at university

Many will probably already know that it is possible to pursue Baduk differently than studying in a Baduk school or as hobby at home. This possibility is studying Baduk and many related sub-subjects in university as a Master of Education degree. Let me show you the introduction of the Baduk Department from Myeongji University:

"Baduk, which has a long history in Oriental countries, is a brain sport that contains profound philosophy, artistry and wisdom. Present-day baduk has transcended its dimension as a leisurely game and is being widely spread throughout the world. It functions both as one of the most amusing games and as a useful instrument for human life.

The Department of Baduk Studies was established in 1997, for the first time in world history, to pursue an academic study of baduk. Although baduk has been regarded as a precious culture, it had not been studied by the scientific approach due to man's traditional adherence to its technique alone. The department will contribute to the development of baduk culture by providing a variety of knowledge based on a new paradigm beyond the technique-biased approach to Baduk.

As Korea has become the strongest and the most actively Baduk-playing country in the world, it is expected to play a leading role in a variety of activities of Baduk. In response to this trend, the Department of Baduk Studies has been set up with the following aims:

1) To promote students Baduk strength above the 5 dan level
2) To acquire a deeper knowledge of life from Baduk culture
3) To develop and educate the leaders in the field of Baduk
4) To teach necessary foreign languages to those who can introduce Baduk culture to the world.

The Department teaches Baduk theory and technique systematically, researches Baduk culture in depth, and acquires wide and various knowledge related to Baduk. The graduates will make proper Baduk leaders in Korea and also in foreign countries.

The area of the Baduk Studies is divided into the nature of Baduk, technical theory, practical matches, related fields, Baduk education, and professional administration, to name a few.

The students who major in Baduk Studies will acquire 5-dan level or above, and foreign language skills so that they can work as experts in the various fields of Baduk. The graduates can create and develop their own professional fields by utilizing the abundant resource of the Korean Baduk community. Many graduates will work in Korea as leaders, Baduk academics, Internet programmers, Baduk writers/columnists/journalists, Professional players, and managers of Baduk businesses; and some could be dispatched to foreign countries as instructors.

History of the Department
1997 Baduk Instruction Studies was established in the College of Arts and Physical Education as a course
1998 Promoted as an independent Department in the College of Arts and Physical Science
1999 Enrollment quota was increased to 30
2000 The first Bachelor of Art in Baduk Studies appeared
2001 Graduate School of Baduk Studies was opened
2003 The first Master of Art in Baduk Studies appeared"

Quote from: http://www.mju.ac.kr/ENG/college/introduction.jsp?DDcode=00007&Hcode=00049

A few foreigners already have studied or are studying in the department already. Examples are Daniela Trinks, Diana Koszegi and Jens Henker.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Studying for the chinese exam...

1. 我的週末

星期六起床大早. 在上午我記住了漢字. 我忘了吃中飯因為我認真學習了.
但是在晚上我吃了很多. 星期日起床晚了我不吃中飯和早飯. 很可悲!
在下午我看一位日本小說. 我不睡覺 星期日.

2. 我的一天

星期二我起床大早因為我去下圍棋酒館li. 整天我和我的朋友一起下圍棋.
我們忘了吃中飯. 但是在晚上我們去飯館那兒. 我們喝了啤酒和吃了很多飯.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Drooping Lotus, the holy grail of handicap.

Today I can show you two games I played. One from yesterday with Yoon Youngsun 8p which I lost and the other from just an hour ago against Kang Kyoungnang 7d. Good news is that against 7dans I graduated to 2 stones handicap now.

The first game is against Youngsun. Actually I had planned to play the drooping lotus again but due to a bug with Wbaduk our games had to be restarted. Of course Youngsun noticed what I had planned and quickly thwarted it by not approaching my corners directly anymore. So we developed a unique fighting game in which I had the advantage a long time but then in the ko I played a bad threat which was the losing move and all fighting could not save me anymore. But see yourself:

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100923 [16\:00\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[youngsun 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Next follows my game with Kyoungnang. Here I got to play my joseki of choice in a alternated variations but you can easily see the overwhelming amount of influence I got from it. She had to invade again and again and again to keep staying in the game but of course doing this the game was favorable for me all the time. I just had to chase the groups around and increasing my potential territory until white finally collapsed and had to give me stones on the right side. With that I could safely sail home. On a side note: My endgame needs a lot improvement.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100924 [20\:39\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[kyoungnang 8D*]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[Black Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Next game with Kyoungnang tomorrow. 2 stones now! Rematching and seeing who will best whom!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Three games and only one victory.

Here are three games I didnt post yet. All played in this week. The first one is against Yoon Youngsun 8p with the handicap reduced to three. It was a good game for me until I died due to my faults...

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100921 [15\:51\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[youngsun 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[3]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]

Then my first game with Alex 3p this month. After a mistake of his following a mistake of mine I was quite good in the game but I overplayed the attack and lost in the fight.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]
PW[breakfast]PB[adoreme]WR[3p]DT[2010-09-21]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp]C[adoreme [-\]: have a nice game
breakfast [3p\]: Have a nice game!
;W[po]WL[1785.452]C[adoreme [-\]: just 3 min before i lost to yoon youngsun~~~
;B[dg]BL[1763.373]C[breakfast [3p\]: on cyberoro?
adoreme [-\]: yes
breakfast [3p\]: pls email some of your games
;W[fe]WL[1752.254]C[adoreme [-\]: you can find them on my blog ^^
;W[cc]WL[1738.838]C[adoreme [-\]: http://beginningpath.blogspot.com/
;W[oo]WL[1187.589]C[breakfast [3p\]: ops
breakfast [3p\]: :)
breakfast [3p\]: stupid way for W
;B[np]BL[1149.188]C[adoreme [-\]: ^^
;W[pc]WL[1117.282]C[adoreme [-\]: maybe stretching to o6 would have been better
;W[ld]WL[5.651]C[adoreme [-\]: thx
breakfast [3p\]: thx
adoreme [-\]: messed up sry :(
breakfast [3p\]: overplayed with attacking W

The second game against Alex I won by resignation. After our funny kind of joseki exchange in the top right the game felt nice for me.

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]
PW[breakfast]PB[adoreme]WR[3p]DT[2010-09-22]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp]C[adoreme [-\]: have a nice game
breakfast [3p\]: Hi, Have a nice game!
;B[jj]BL[1786.978]C[breakfast [3p\]: Syptryn taught you?
breakfast [3p\]: :)
breakfast [3p\]: his favorite
;W[de]WL[1751.959]C[adoreme [-\]: no
adoreme [-\]: i found a 300 year old chinese go manual
adoreme [-\]: teaching a handicap joseki
;B[qo]BL[1738.353]C[breakfast [3p\]: :)
;W[oq]WL[1730.938]C[adoreme [-\]: used it against yoon youngsun and it worked nicely :)
;B[bi]BL[382.313]C[breakfast [3p\]: thx
adoreme [-\]: thank you
breakfast [3p\]: overplayed on the top

And on goes the training and the study for my Chinese exam.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Two new Baduk schools for foreigners

As on Wbaduk News many might not notice this article I will put a copy here:

"Korean players dominate the professional go scene these days and now amateurs have some new opportunities to study with top Korean pros. The Yang Jae-Ho Baduk Dojang is recruiting foreign players to study go in Korea. The dojang, or training center, plans to offer English-speaking instructors, and the pro instructor roster — in addition to founder Yang Jae-Ho (l) — includes Yi Sang-Hun 9P, An Dal-Hun 8P and Yi Jung-Wu 7P. The Dojang currently houses over 80 students and school founder Yang Jae-Ho 9P is the director of the Korean team for the Asian Games. Accommodation and training at the Dojang is 750 Euro/$1000 US per month; a 10% discount is available to groups, or students staying for over three months. Cultural excursions are also included in the deal. In Australia, the Young Go Academy in Sydney is run by a Korean professional, An Young-Gil 8P. In addition to An, there are four other instructors, two pros and two strong amateurs; Yu Kyung-Min 6P, who won several titles in Taiwan, including the Chung-hwan Cup, Kim Hyun-Sup 2P, who has recently been in the Korean league, Jang-Bi, the amateur 7-dan who spent a year teaching at the Seattle Go center and won many titles in the U.S., and 24-year-old Lim Mi-Jin, a strong amateur female player. Though the Young Go Academy is smaller than Yang Jae-Ho, it also offers teaching in English, and due to the number of teachers, students are guaranteed more individual attention. Accommodation and training at the Young Go Academy is 800 Euro/$1100 US per month; a 10% discount is available to groups or students staying for over three months and cultural excursions are also offered as part of the package. For more information on either school, contact Sang-Dae Hahn sdhahn@gmail.com"

This provides new options for us potential Baduk addicts. :)

First point against Yujeon but Kyung-min took cruel revenge

As you can see from the title of my post I am bringing you again two games against Professionals I played. If you read my earlier posts there is not much to say about Yuyeon anymore because we all know she is a professional teacher at New KBC currently. About Kyung-min however I do not know much except that his name is Kyung-min Yu and he is 8dan professional at the Hankuk Kiwon.

First comes my victory against Yuyeon. By denying the strategy of her making me building influence and not dying myself at some point I could preserver a good lead into the endgame. Predictably she caught up a lot in the endgame but lucky me had enough points to spare to win anyways.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pd][dp][pp]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dd]GN[Free game]DT[20100830 [15\:41\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[juyeon 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[4]RE[Black Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]
(;W[pr];B[gq]C[Solidifying myself to make here outside influence obsolete.];W[of]
(;B[jo]C[Maybe I should just jump here.]))
(;W[rl];B[qm];W[ql];B[qq];W[pl]C[Not good enough for her. Corner bigger.]))
(;W[bl]C[Sadly she would not submit like this]))
(;B[df]C[In retrospect I think I prefer this to the game. Juyeon has no easy way of capturing my lone black stone.]))
(;W[rl];B[ql];W[qm];B[rk];W[rn];B[sl];W[qn]C[If she wants she could cut me at some point. I was worried about this quite some time.]))
(;B[qm]C[Maybe here would be better]))

I felt elated after winning this game of course. My score with Yuyeon now is 2 - 1 with her leading currently.

My game against Kyung-min was completely different. You could say I got slaughtered like a chicken for lunch or use any metaphor you find fitting for humilating quick defeat. Next time I really should drink a cup of tea before a game in late night to not be as sloppy as in this game but see for yourself.

(;CA[Windows-1252]AB[pp][dd][pd]AP[MultiGo:4.4.4]SZ[19]AB[dp]GN[Free game]DT[20100831 [02\:39\]]
PB[adoreme 5D*]PW[kyungmin 8DP]KM[0.5]HA[4]RE[White Win by Resign!]US[www.cyberoro.com]
;W[qf];B[qj];W[nc];B[qc]C[Fighting like this is risky.];W[oe];B[pe];W[pf];B[of]
(;B[dh];W[ji];B[jh];W[hi]C[The game is basically over here already.];B[ii];W[ij]
(;B[jj]C[Should play here now. Following the instinct and playing d10 was no good idea.]))
(;W[sb]C[Dead like this. I missed it in the game.]))

What is the moral? Adoreme you should be stronger!